3 ways to use KonMari method to clean up your Pinterest account

Simplify Your Pinterest with Konmari.

How on earth could KonMari Method help you clean up your Pinterest account?

I know, I know that may sound a bit too much. But I’ll tell you it’s not. 😁

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, Pinterest often emerges as an underutilized gem, especially for small businesses.

While platforms like Facebook and Instagram frequently steal the limelight, Pinterest's unique blend of visual storytelling and link-sharing capabilities offers a compelling avenue for businesses to not just showcase their products, but to build a brand narrative. However, like any other platform, Pinterest requires a strategic approach to yield optimal results. That's where the KonMari Method comes into play.

Pinterest cleaning with KonMari method by Nellaino

You've probably heard of Marie Kondo, the Japanese organizing consultant who took the world by storm with her KonMari Method — a decluttering strategy that asks you to keep only those items that "spark joy."

But have you ever considered applying this method to your Pinterest account?

Just as a clutter-free home can lead to a clutter-free mind, a well-organized Pinterest account can significantly enhance your marketing efforts, making it easier for potential customers to find and engage with your content.

So, let's roll up our sleeves and start sparking some joy in your Pinterest marketing strategy!

First, a short Introduction to KonMari by Marie Kondo:

  • a simple tidying method

  • uses unique selection criteria 👉🏻 you only choose to keep the items that speak to your heart

If you want to read more regarding KonMari Method, please visit Marie Kondo’s KonMari website and her Pinterest account.

KonMari Method 🧹 is a perfect way to use for cleaning up your Pinterest boards, pins, and overall Pinterest business account.

3 Steps to Spring Cleaning Your Pinterest

Pinterest boards are really important if you want your content to rank properly on Pinterest. Make Pinterest understand what your content is about by creating clear and simple board names.

Follow this KonMari Method inspired checklist that I made to organize your Pinterest business account clean-up.


    It’s much easier and quicker to do any kind of cleaning if you commit one day to making your whole Pinterest account clean.

    📌 Start with your bio

    • check that you have keywords in place and that there’s nothing fluffy in your bio

    • your bio should tell what you’re offering to fellow pinners 👉🏻 add the most relevant keywords and change any old ones that are not relevant anymore

    • include CTA at the end of your bio 👉🏻 what you want your followers and other Pinterest users to do when they enter your bio

      📌 Next clean all your Pinterest Boards

      • write descriptive board names 👉🏻 remember that Google does index them, too!

      • use the description area to tell what each board is all about 👉🏻 include relevant keywords

      • set on-brand board cover images (optional)

      • move to secret all boards that are not relevant to your niche or business 👉🏻 if they do not spark the joy, you can also delete them BUT check first from your Analytics whether they are bringing attention to your account or not!

        📌 Check your Pins

        • make sure that there are no broken links or bad images


    👉🏻 When you create any new content have a clear goal in mind.

    🔍 Why you’re creating the content and what you’d like to have in return?

    🔍 Do you want to increase your brand awareness, gain more traffic to your website, or something else?

    👉🏻 Create only pins that are targeted and attract your ideal audience.

    🧹 Remove everything else from your Pinterest boards 👉🏻 check the content of your Pinterest boards, and delete pins that are not relevant anymore or move them to a secret board


    👉🏻 Brainstorm which themes and topics are answering your dream clients’ pain points.

    👉🏻 Which topics amuse them and make them feel inspired? And are those the ones that make you happy, too?

    👉🏻 Create and organize your boards ➡️ your own product/services boards on top left in the first row so that people will see them FIRST when they enter into your Pinterest bio

    👉🏻 Arrange your group boards lastly to your board list

    👉🏻 You can merge boards together if you have boards that don’t have so much content on them, and you’re not going to use them anymore

This KonMari checklist is pretty easy to follow. 😁

It’s easy AND really effective if you follow all those steps laid out in my KonMari list for Pinterest account cleaning.

Let me know what you think.

If you want to read more about cleaning your Pinterest boards, check out this very popular blog post by Kate Ahl from Simple Pin Media: How to Clean Up Pinterest Boards and also this other one Spring Cleaning Pinterest Boards

This blog post is updated on 3 May 2023.

Petra Veikkola

Bisnesmentorointi ja Pinterest + SEO markkinointi


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