Pinterest benefits for your brand


Why Pinterest is so great?

I’ve encountered so many times business owners who say that they don’t use Pinterest for their business because Pinterest is only for women who create inspirational boards for their weddings or repin recipes or the latest fashion trends.

Those people are usually unaware of how amazing Pinterest could be for their business.

In addition to Pinterest being an eye-candy for all aesthetics lovers, Pinterest’s power is in its search engine function.

Pinterest is not a social media site

Pinterest is NOT a social media, like Facebook or Instagram. You do NOT use same kind of strategies on Pinterest that you use on Instagram or Facebook.

Many social media sites can give you social media anxiety. Pinterest gets you concrete results.

You can use Pinterest like you use Google. You can think that Pinterest is Google’s little more visual and beautiful cousin. Its main function is to be a visual search engine. When you absorb it the use of Pinterest for marketing purposes will be much easier.

Create an effective Pinterest strategy

You can create a strategy which leads a person searching for something that you offer on Pinterest to see your solution for their problem.

Your dream clients are already looking for inspiration and solutions to their challenges and problems on Pinterest. You need to have their attention to what you can offer to them!

Your Pinterest strategy will serve your Pinterest tribe, your dream audience.

Start answering their biggest pain points and create pins that truly attract their attention.


Content creation and Pinterest

Create content that your dream audience will absolutely admire and love. Create content that makes you the expert that your audience wants to contact and get answers to their questions.

Pinterest will drive traffic to your website or blog when people find your content interesting and helpful.

The increased traffic to your site grows your brand awareness and establishes you as a leading expert in your niche of expertise.

Be worthy of following & inspire your audience

Curate your Pinterest profile to showcase who you are and what your business does.

Pro tip: I highly recommend that you don’t use free stock photos because they are usually very generic and many other people use them also on Pinterest. Your pins won’t get the attention needed if your audience is seeing same photos to other people’s pins, too.

In your Pinterest bio explain who you help and what benefit they can get from you.

Add a high-quality photo of you and some keywords that you want to be found on Pinterest.

If you have hard time on curating your boards think about them like blog categories or themes. What are the topics that you’d like to talk about?

Edit the boards that are no longer relevant to your business and make them either secret or archive them. You don’t need to delete the boards. If your current boards can offer a solution or inspire your audience you can keep them.

master Pinterest SEO to get your content in front of your audience


Pinterest SEO is all about knowing the best keywords related to your niche and business. The keywords that people are searching for on Pinterest.

A keyword is words that people are typing into Pinterest search bar to get results.

You want to infuse your Pinterest bio and your content with the best keywords so that people will find you. You want to include keywords to your profile, your boards, and your pins.

You can start with listing 5 - 10 keywords that describe what you do. Use few of those on your pin’s description. Write whole sentences. Do not just keywords stuff your descriptions.

If it’s hard to find those keywords start googling to find a solution to your problem. Which words you’re using when searching for info on your services or products on Google?

And...I’ll tell you a secret. You do NOT need a huge following on Pinterest in order to get your content in front of the right people.

Be consistent on Pinterest

You need to use Pinterest regularly. Not once a week or once a month. Use Pinterest daily and do it via scheduling system (i.e. Tailwind*).

My current recommendation for daily pins is 10 - 20. However, your daily pinning depends greatly on how much content you have and how often you create new content.


One tip which might surprise you is that if you’re not seeing increase in your traffic it usually is because you’re not pinning your own content enough. So, you need to consistently pin to your boards. Pin daily.

Petra Veikkola

Bisnesmentorointi ja Pinterest + SEO markkinointi

Case Study: Miten tavoitat Pinterestin avulla kansainvälisiä asiakkaita


Creative Market Moodboards and Templates