Tips to Schedule your pins on Pinterest*

 * Links to Tailwind which is a Pinterest scheduling tool are affiliate links and I will get a commission if you click the links and upgrade to their paid plans. I honestly recommend Tailwind as I use it daily for my Pinterest clients.


Tailwind is probably the most used Pinterest scheduling tool at the moment. I’ve been using it for such a long time already. I also use it to schedule my clients pins to their Pinterest accounts daily. It's worth a mention that Tailwind is an approved Pinterest marketing partner.

Pinterest scheduling is definitely a thing that you should take into account when you are planning your digital marketing strategy. It helps you to handle your Pinterest Marketing effectively.


Before each year comes to an end I love to plan my next year's goals and targets. This is also a time to look back and see what has worked and what has not.

How can you streamline your processes and automate things that otherwise will take too much time?

Pinterest scheduling is hugely needed when you are using Pinterest for your marketing purposes, and want to streamline your tasks. You will need a Pinterest scheduling tool in order to be effective and not spend all your time manually pinning.


To be successful on Pinterest you need to be active on the platform. When using a scheduling tool it’s so much easier to be active and present on Pinterest (with less effort).


In addition to Tailwind, there are several other scheduling tools that you can use, like Hootsuite, Buffer and Canva.


Pin scheduling is also a vital part of your traffic building. This basically applies to all social media scheduling.


Scheduling tips to increase traffic from Pinterest



A Pinterest scheduling browser extension is a life-safer in many ways. I always want to use the most easiest and quickest way when I have to schedule my posts or pins. Browser extensions are a way to do it.


Tailwind* has its own Pinterest scheduling browser extension, and I highly recommend using it too. It makes your scheduling even more easy and quick.

Click the Tailwind button on your browser, and you will be able to batch schedule pins as shown in the below photo. Just click each photo/pin that you'd want to schedule and click the "Go Schedule" button at the bottom. After that you will need to choose boards and when you want to post them.


Currently Pinterest does not encourage your to pin lots of pins per day. I mean like 50 pins per day kind of lot. It will not increase your exposure on Pinterest, and most probably will affect your engagement in a bit harmful way.


I've noticed that the best per day amount varies based on each account. I recommend you to start experimenting with different pin amounts, and you’ll soon find your own "sweet spot".

My recommendation is to start with 1 pin per day, and increase it to 5 pins per day if you can.



When using a Pinterest scheduler you should schedule your pins throughout the day. That way you're "online" the whole day and you have better possibilities to be present to new followers. Your pins will also be seen more by your own followers.

EDIT: Pinterest has told us that it favors users that are active on the platform.


For example, on the day when you have written a blog post, you can schedule it to be pinned 6 times to different boards. You can let Tailwind choose the optimized times or you can decide to schedule the post for example in 7 days intervals.


With a Pinterest scheduling tool, you can easily check your peak times on Pinterest. Your peak times are times when your followers and other pinners are most active and engaged with your content. It is your best time to pin.

Tailwind* recommends optimal times for pinning based on your prior pinning activity.



Many people think that if you pin the same pin several times on Pinterest, it will irritate others. That is not true. After Pinterest changed how it shows pins on your feed, your followers won't see your pins many times per day. People don't get annoyed with your pins. You do not lose followers if you schedule your pins.


In Tailwind, you can create lists for boards that you want to pin your pins.

For example, if you are part of many travel group boards you can make a list of those boards and easily schedule your pins to all those boards whit just one click.


Below you'll see some of my board lists made on Tailwind*.


As I already mentioned under Section 3 (Schedule your pins throughout the day) you can schedule your pins so that they will be shared at intervals. This is one of the best features of Tailwind's scheduling tool.


When you pin your own content you can have that one pin pinned to different boards and can use intervals to spread it out over the course of minutes, hours, days, or weeks. Really convenient!



I mainly use Tailwind* for my Pinterest scheduling. It's really easy to use and the reporting function is pretty comprehensive. You will see what you have pinned and which pins and which boards are the most influential and which ones are performing great. It also shows you which of the boards will need more attention and which boards maybe are not worth of your time.


about Pinterest scheduling

The more you pin and share your own content, the more your impressions will increase on Pinterest. But of course, there are limits so don't pin too much (like 50 pins per day!). The more impressions, saves and clicks, the more traffic and new customers to your business.


In addition to aforementioned very practical tips, it is obvious that your content should be GREAT in order to get attention on Pinterest.


Remember to include call to actions (CTAs) to all your own pins.

Show your potential customers what value you are giving to them by asking questions or/and giving clear and informative advice. For example: "Want to be a Pinterest expert? Click through to find out how."


When you're scheduling other people's pins, share a meaningful thought or how the pin/its content has helped you. Try to engage people and be present also when repinning.


See also my advice on Pinterest strategies.


I have shared a lot of Tailwind tips but that's because I use it the most and I think it is the most helpful Pinterest scheduling tool.

Lastly, you should pin your free opt-in to all your boards and group boards that you belong to. Share your content and remember to share it continuously.


It is not enough that you pin your blog post just once to just one of your own boards. Do it many times to different boards!


Fun tip: Schedule some quotes and you will see lots of repins and clicks. Include a great call to action when you're promoting your own service or product with that quote pin.


Do you have any questions about Pinterest scheduling?

Which Pinterest scheduler tool do you use at the moment?

Any other helpful tips or tools that you use when scheduling your pins?

Petra Veikkola

Brändistrategi, hakukoneoptimoija ja Pinterest-markkinoija

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